SMART Utility: 10.6 Compatibility
Since Apple is shipping 10.6 this Friday, I thought I should comment on SMART Utility and 10.6. Unfortunately, I just obtained access to ADC this week, and I have not downloaded the GM seed yet. So I do not know if SMART Utility is compatibility with 10.6. However, I do not believe there will be an issue, as SMART Utility does not use many of the API’s that could potentially cause an issue. There was no changes needed when upgrading from 10.4 to 10.5, so I am guessing the same will occur with this upgrade.
But, as soon as I get my hands on it and test it, I’ll update the blog with the results.
Update: I have installed Snow Leopard, and SMART Utility 2.0.2 is fully compatible with 10.6. I will have a new blog post with a Snow Leopard review in a week or so.