
Volitans Software

Mac App Store

I’ve had a few weeks to digest the Mac App Store, and what it means for SMART Utility, as well as any future apps. The Mac App Store has all the same benefits and issues as the iPhone App Store. Selling an app just got so much easier. No more worrying about setting up a store front, worrying about payment processors, serial number systems, or bandwidth hosting. Its great for the customers too- easy installation, easy updates, and no more serial numbers.

But it also comes with problems, the biggest of which is the restrictions. Even if I wanted too, I could not sell SMART Utility in the app store. It violates a number of rules, and version 3.0 will violate more. I don’t like giving control of selling to another company. And I will also lose my connection to my customers- as Apple does not release that information.

I’m sure the store will do great, but I’ll be happy to continue to sell my app the old fashioned way.